I rarely, make that never, stick to my New Year's resolutions. {Wait, does anyone? Because knowing someone who can follow through with annual resolutions is someone I need to get to know better.} So you can imagine my anxiety in writing this post for all to see. I'd love to actually have one, just one, New Year's resolution that comes to fruition.
Last year I made the mistake of making a resolution to do a certain number of things each day. Here's a glimpse: read 30 minutes each day, start every morning with "me time," etc. You can imagine that in anyone's life that's just not possible because life is always throwing us curve balls. So after a few weeks of rocking and rolling with my resolution, I was thrown a curve ball, broke my routine, and never returned to it.
So this is the approach I'm taking this year. I'm choosing 3 things in my life that I'd love to improve upon. Things that make me happy but could make me happier, things I love to do but could do more, things that make me a better me and things that are absolutely within reach so I don't fail at this all over again. Who's with me?!
constantly borrowing photos from fellow bloggers and Pinterest posts because I don't have the time, correct lighting or proper camera to take blog worthy photos. I'm resolving to learn more about food photography and to make time to take photos of what I cook. I'm constantly in the kitchen, and I love it, it feeds my soul, but I've fallen behind in making it a priority to photograph my creations. At this point I have an iPhone 5 and a point and shoot camera to work with, so bear with me guys.
New Year, better photography.
I've never claimed to be a great writer. In fact, there are so many words and sentence structures that I
completely avoid at the risk of making myself look dumb. I'll admit this is entirely my fault. I must have been too busy socializing in high school english and reading spark notes in lieu of a full book to learn the difference between affect and effect, much less the proper use of a semicolon in a sentence.
New Year, better writing.
As you all know, I love my vegetables. But I also have my guilty pleasures {bacon, brie, pasta, ...} and absolutely
no work out schedule, an ugly combination. I also happen to live just steps from the Gulf of Mexico, and no one has ever complained about "long walks on the beach," so I'm resolving to spend more time outside {just hoping that physical activity will follow}. I also want to do a one day mini-detox, then commit to a 3-day detox by the end of the year. I may need cheerleaders for this!
New Year, healthier me.
I don't feel like I'm reaching for the stars here, am I? I'm a list maker. I love lists. But do you want to know the funny thing about lists? They help to engrain your written thoughts into your brain. So I rarely look back at said lists because I already know what they say. This is my list of self improvements for 2013. I can feel it guys, it's going to be a great one.