Photo courtesy of Carlos Nunez |
Truth be told, as much as I absolutely love my new life on the Emerald Coast, I've been running low on energy these past few weeks.
Picture ending one ahh-mazing job, then driving 14 hours the very next day, which included two hours of torrential downpours near a city that isn't above sea level to begin with (ahem, New Orleans). Oh sure I took a few days to settle into my new home... although most of those hours were spent celebrating cheers!, basking in the sun and eating fresh oysters. The cherry on top? Starting my new equally wonderful job just days later, and hitting the ground running.
Don't get me wrong, I'm happy as a clam...and tired as a dog. But no worries my friends, I've found the cure! And the answer is not Red Bull or Lean Cuisine microwave dinners.
How to make it through the day without a siesta:
I mean really...when will the Siesta be implemented in the United States? I'm totally game to start a petition. Who's with me?
Start every day with the perfect iced coffee and a toasted whole wheat english muffin. Sub in greek yogurt with slivered almonds, blueberries and agave nectar when craving something sweet.
Snack on something sweet and satisfying mid-morning to tide me over until lunch.
Eat a massive power salad to get me through the afternoon (the key components for my version are spinach, avocado, rotisserie chicken and a tangy vinaigrette).
Then take this precious puppy on a post workday stroll to clear my head and unwind.
Can you get enough of that face? Those ears? Completely and utterly adorable.