Thursday, July 28, 2011

Tomato Sandies

We have mentioned tomato sandwiches a lot since we started this blog, and that's probably because we are obsessed with them. Not only because they are delicious, but because they are so simple!

The best tomato sandwich we've ever tasted was made with Fresh rosemary ciabatta and heirloom tomatoes from the Farmer's Market, sweet basil from the garden, a little balsamic vinegar, and black pepper mayo. Viola! We could seriously eat a thousand of these.

Farmer's Market purchases:

Marinate the tomatoes in balsamic vinegar, basil, salt, and pepper.

Toast the bread, spread the mayo, and stack those tomatoes.

Plan for making extras, these will disappear very quickly!

Katie & Sarah

1 comment:

  1. My mouth is watering! Sarah- will you cook for me when you get in town? Thanks. Carlie


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